Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

48. Dawn calling choruses in Swainson’s thrushes and veeries.

7. When to Sing, and How
How birds go to roost and awake
From page 111 in the book.

Dawn-calling choruses in Swainson's thrushes and veeries. What is it about these thrushes, and no other species I know, that leads them to call like this rather than sing? Does the intensity and duration of calling vary with the season, from the time they arrive from migration, through pairing, nesting, and into late June and July? How many birds within a territory are calling? Initially just one bird, the male who has arrived first from migration, then two birds after pairing? Or how about after the babies have fledged? Does the entire family awake in a calling bout? Do they also call like this upon awaking in South America during the nonbreeding season? Or in migration? So many questions, so few answers.