Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

77. Develop your own list of favored musicians.

9. Music to Our Ears
Music to my ears—author's choice
From page 168 in the book.

Develop your own list of favored musicians. In your own growing list of favored musicians, maybe each is associated with some special time and place in your life, and that's all it takes. I have to confess, though you probably knew all along: These last few "author's choice" birds are special to me, but hardly more so than all the other birds in this book. Listening to me enthuse about birdsong on a ten-week bicycle ride from Virginia to Oregon, my son finally asked, "But how can all birds be the most spectacular?" "It's just the way it is," I explained fully. After 50 years of intensive listening, I find each species and each individual fascinating, and the honest answer to the question "Which is your favorite?" is "The bird I'm listening to now."