Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Townsend's solitaire

Chapter 6: Song Learning Often Creates Complex Songs and Large Repertoires
Subchapter: Song complexity
From page 82 in the book.

♫373. Rippling mountain music, gushing in superlatives, with coyote. June 7, 2009. Wisdom, Montana. (4:32)

♫374. One song from above slowed to half speed. (0:48)

♫375. More rippling superlatives, blowing from the treetops in the wind of the Cascade Mountains, with an apparent imitation of an olive-sided flycatcher. May 25, 2009. Sisters, Oregon. (3:48)

♫376. "Three Beers" of olive-sided flycatcher (an incomplete Quick! Three Beers!). June 7, 2013. Trout Lake, Chippewa County, Michigan.(0.09)