Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Savannah sparrow

Chapter 6: Song Learning Often Creates Complex Songs and Large Repertoires
Subchapter: Small to large repertoires
From page 86 in the book.

♫388. Example 1. Each male has just one song: tsit-tsit-tsit-tssit-tssit-tssit-tseeeeeeeeeeee-tssayyyyyyyyyy, or take take take take-it eeeeeeeaaasssssssyyyyyyy. April 27, 2014. Atlanta, Michigan. (1:15)

♫389. Example 2. June 10, 2008. Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Walden, Colorado. (1:32)

♫390. Example 3. The songs are still recognizable as those of a savannah sparrow, but these Alaskan birds have learned a somewhat different song structure. June 13, 2017. Denali Highway, Alaska. (2:15)