Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Sandhill crane

Chapter 2: Birds and Their Sounds
Subchapter: Female song and duets
From page 16 in the book.

♫42. Early spring trumpeting/bugling by a male and female sandhill crane across a still-frozen lake in northern Michigan. Beginning times for the two segments discussed in the book's text: 6:45 a.m. (1:33 duration), 7:02 a.m. (2:10 duration). Sunrise: 6:33 a.m. April 27, 2018. Atlanta, Michigan. (3:42 total)

♫43. The resident pair of cranes responds to an intruding female! May 3, 2018. Atlanta, Michigan. (23:12)

♫44. A duet immediately after mating. April 26, 2018. Atlanta, Michigan. (0:17)

♫45. California cranes foraging together in a marsh, among some fine western meadowlark songs. June 14, 2018. Sierra Valley, California. (3:24)

♫46. Try to pick out the crane duets in this spring flock. Hint: Four noticeable duets occur in the first ten seconds. March 29, 2006. North Platte River, Nebraska. (1:32)