Birdsong for the
Curious Naturalist

Northern cardinal, pyrrhuloxia

Chapter 5: More about Song Learning
Subchapter: Song (and call) matching
From page 59 in the book.

♫224. Northern Cardinal. Song matching: Listen how these cardinals awaking in Virginia match each other's songs, from 0:30 to 1:20, and again from 1:52 to 2:40. May 11, 2004. Camp Bethel, Troutville, Virginia. (2:44)

♫225. Northern Cardinal. Chip calls by an awaking male, then song matching by two males during the first several minutes of dawn singing. For more on how cardinals awake, see Explore 50 and p. 112 in the book. April 12, 2017. Hatfield, Massachusetts. (7:08)

♫226. Pyrrhuloxia: This close relative of northern cardinals also engages in song matching; you can hear good matching during the first 20 seconds, after which both males switch to another song. April 4, 2013. Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, Artesia, Texas. (3:15)