Brown thrasher
Chapter 3: Why and How Birds Sing
Subchapter: Why sing?
From page 28 in the book.

Photo by Wil Hershberger
♫84. Singing by an unpaired male, only a brief sample from a multi-day session that continued until he attracted his mate. Several imitations of other species can be heard: Carolina chickadee song, 0:44 and 2:42; female red-winged blackbird call, 2:01; Carolina wren song, 2:22; northern flicker song, 2:25; northern cardinal, single slurred song whistle, 2:32 (using his two voice boxes to produce the two-voiced cardinal sound, just as the cardinal does—see p. 40 in the book). May 6, 2006. Grundy, Virginia. (5:01)