Canada goose
Chapter 2: Birds and Their Sounds
Subchapter: Birds without a song just call
From page 12 in the book.

Photo by Marie Read
♫27. In early spring just after the ice has melted, I surprise a pair of Canada geese on a lake in northern Michigan; initially, she can be heard off to the left, he to the right, but she rapidly swims over to him during these two minutes. His last full honk is at 1:06, after which he only occasionally acknowledges her hrink with a barely audible honk. Listen with headphones to hear the stereo effect. May 2, 2018. Atlanta, Michigan. (1:59)
♫28. Honking by a pair taking flight. May 8, 2012. Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, Kentucky. (0:52)
♫29. Honking by a small flock on a spring pond, with some aggression and splashing about. May 21, 2014. Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Newburyport, Massachusetts. (1:22)