White-throated sparrow
Chapter 5: More about Song Learning
Subchapter: Song (and call) dialects
From page 67 in the book.
Western doublet songs (ohhhhh sweeeet Can-a Can-a Can-a):
♫298. Composite, with one song from each of the following three individual examples. (0:27)
♫299. Example 1. June 5, 2013. Alba, Michigan. (2:32)
♫300. Example 2. June 9, 2013. Orr, Minnesota. (1:34)
♫301. Example 3. June 20, 2013. Ear Falls, Ontario. (2:51)
Eastern triplet songs (ohhhhh sweeeet Can-a-da Can-a-da Can-a-da):
♫302. Composite, with one song from each of the following threeindividuals. (0:21)
♫303. Example 1. June 25, 2012. Caribou, Maine. (3:00) Recorded by Janet Grenzke.
♫304. Example 2. June 15, 2012. Mt. Mansfield, Stowe, Vermont. (1:18)
♫305. Example 3. Hear the American bittern at 0:52? June 7, 2012.Berkshire Mountains, Heath, Massachusetts. (1:28)
Odd songs:
♫306. Example 1, from the West, and still a doublet. June 15, 2013.Sidney Lake, Ontario. (1:05)
♫307. Example 2, from the East, and still a triplet. June 25, 2012. Caribou, Maine. (5:06) Recorded by Janet Grenzke.